Has your spouse ever asked you about doing a will, trust or estate plan for your family?
This Holiday Season, Give Your Family a Gift of Love – the most unique and important gift you can – an estate plan!
One of the best ways to show your love for your family is to plan ahead for what you want to happen if you cannot be there for them. Stop worrying and have peace of mind:
- Make sure your kids are always taken care of by people you choose and love.
- Get Your Financial House in Order and Keep it that Way
- Ensure Your Kids & Spouse Are Prepared for Life Without You;
- Leave Your Loved Ones a Gift Far Greater Than All the Money in the World;
- And for many other important reasons as well.
You will give your “Estate Planning Gift Of Love” as an attractive and personalized certificate. Then, you and your spouse will come into my office for a conveniently scheduled Family Wealth Planning Session where we will create a plan for the care and protection of you and yours.
During this Planning Session, you will:
- Choose the Right Guardians for Your Kids and Avoid the Six Common Mistakes Most Parents Make When Choosing Guardians;
- Protect the assets you’ve worked a lifetime to acquire – cash, real estate, securities, business interests, life insurance, pension, etc.;
- Hand down everything you own to the people you choose;
- Learn how to Keep Your Family Out of Court If Anything Happens;
- Learn how to Protect Your Kids’ Inheritance From Lawsuits and Divorce;
- Leave your children an inheritance to help them be financially secure while still encouraging them to succeed on their own; and
- Leave Your Loved Ones a Gift Far Greater Than All the Money in the World.
Now You’re Probably Wondering What the Investment Is for This Holiday Gift of Love
Our comprehensive estate plans run from $2,000-$8,000 depending on the level of the plan and the services desired. Since you will get clarity on the plan levels and you and your spouse’s preferences in the Family Wealth Planning Session, I recommend the $2000 plan for your Estate Planning Gift Of Love. If you realize during your session that you need the additional levels of protection for your family, you can upgrade your plan at that time.
Contact me now ([email protected]) and get this gift that truly says, “I love you and care for you now and forever.”