Virtual Estate Planning Options Available

computer - virtual estate planning optionsWhile the Coronavirus and COVID-19 are affecting all of us, I want you to know about my virtual estate planning options. As an estate planning attorney, I am dedicated to serving a wide spectrum of people get their plans in place: young and old, healthy and sick – those who are strong and those who are vulnerable. I have helped people who are facing surgery, in rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, and hospitals. For the signing for a client at a nursing home, to prevent spread of illness, I and the witnesses wore masks, gowns and gloves (it’s a challenge to work with paper with gloves on!). In addition, I have also helped people get started on their estate plans while in another country or state – by utilizing technology.

What now?

I deeply understand the anxiety and hardships that the current Coronavirus outbreak is causing because I am feeling it myself. What happens if the schools my children attend close for a period? Will I have enough business? How will I balance my children at home and my work?

At the same time, I have also heard that many people want to talk about creating a will, trust, power of attorney, healthcare directive, etc.—just in case–  but they need more flexible options for doing so.  Since I have already successfully helped clients with “virtual estate planning”, I am in a position to offer that to anyone who needs it.

Options for Estate Planning

Here is what I am doing to make sure that you can get your questions answered and get your affairs in order in a safe and easy way:

  • Phone or Zoom (online) meetings are availableThanks to technology, we have flexible options to meet with your family virtually.
  • Complimentary Family Wealth Planning Sessions. To help remove any obstacles to getting your affairs in order, there is no fee for the Family Wealth Planning Session. If you schedule through my website, there is a form that takes credit card information – with a coupon code to zero out the fee. If you do not want to securely input credit card information, just call 732-743-5120 to schedule your appointment or send me an email at [email protected] to get a direct scheduling link.
  • Just want to talk? If you just want to talk, feel free to schedule a 15-minute call.
  • I am keeping my home office as sanitized as possible. For those who can make it in to see me, rest assured that I am dedicated to keeping my home office clean.
  • We can come to YOU. In limited situations, we are available to visit your location to help you put a plan in place or have documents signed.
  • If you are sick or symptomatic… please stay home. Again, can meet with you virtually or reschedule at your convenience.

Please know that your family’s health, comfort and safety are our TOP priority.  We are here to support you in any way necessary.

Be well,


Advance Directive, Estate Plan, Family, Health, Healthcare, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Power of Attorney, Trusts, Wills